Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yup, I am Awesome! As if you had any doubt :)

 Perfect I am not. I am moody, short tempered, self involved, impulsive, and impatient. I am also independent, generous, optimistic, enthusiastic, and courageous. I have also been told I am childish, and aggressive. I do not like to take orders from others, I can easily take offense, and I can be exciting, vibrant and talkative. I have been told I am a natural, confident leader.

It is amazing the different aspects that make up a human being. I don’t take a lot of stock in your day to day horoscopes but I AM an Aries girl to the bone. All the above personality traits describe me to a tee! Aries girl Loud and Proud! Warts and all! I am comfortable with the me I am and the me I am becoming. Always growing and changing. Hopefully improving.

 Tomorrow I turn 30!!! What! 30! How did that happen?  Last I looked I had barely graduated from high school. Now I have a husband, a 5 1/2 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I have a new career, friends I adore, and I can easily say I am happy. The 21 year old me was not. I had no Idea who I was or what my values were. I had few friends let alone the kind that had my or their best interests at heart. The early twenties are just a selfish time in anyone’s life. It is that time that you are still transitioning to an Adult. You graduate from high school and you are shoved out of the nest and you better start flyin! I definitely had a few stumbles along the way. I cannot believe I got married and had a child at 24! I was so unprepared. I love my children more than anything and I thank God every day that he made sure I could at least keep my children alive everyday and that he brought my wonderful husband into my life. There were some days I wasn’t sure they would live till their father came home! (There’s that short-tempered Aries poking her head out)WOW does time fly.

So I may put forward this image of having it all figured out, but I sure do not! Stay tuned. I hope you enjoy watching or being a part of my journey. I can’t wait to see the person I will be. I can’t wait to see you become the person you grow to be.

Have a Happy Healthy Day!!

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