Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I WORKOUT: So I Can Sell Tickets To The Gun Show

I Workout so I can sell tickets to the gun show

Who doesn't want a strong physique? 
My top fitness goal is to have strong arms. That look where you can see well defined 
muscle without flexing. It will take time and a lot of work! But I can do it!!

What is your fitness goal?

Friday, October 12, 2012

I WORKOUT: 'cause I have had enough rest days to last a life time.

I Workout because I have had enough rest days to last a lifetime

I am 30 years old. I have not been active most of my life. Although I have lost 25 pounds,
I still have a ways to go, another 40 pounds. So if I am going to get rid of this weight, and lead the healthy
 life I want, there will be no more rest days for me. Just active, healthy, happy, days!

So it is time to:

Lift Weights
Get my Turbo on,
Spend some time with my favorite trainers: Tony, Donna, ShaunT, and Chalene
Spend time with my WHY: My family <3 <3 <3
and most important smile everyday

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I WORKOUT: because endorphins are the best antidepressant

I WORKOUT: because endorphins are the best antidepressant

I know the times I need to workout the most are the ones I probably avoid the most. No one likes being a
 big pile of depressed goo, taking up space on the couch, mindlessly watching another episode of the latest
sitcom.  So then the question is how do you get out of your funk and get back to life? I know it helps me if I
have a friend stop by and take me for a walk. Or better yet have a standing exercise date. It is amazingly
more refreshing than going for coffee, or reading a good book. So pay attention to your loved ones,
sometimes all they need is someone to get them going again. Everything is more fun with friends :)

My favorite Movie quote:

Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.
 Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. 

                                                                    -Elle Woods 
                                                                     Legally Blonde

Monday, October 8, 2012

I WORKOUT: To feel comfortable in my own skin

I WORKOUT.... To Feel Comfortable In My Own Skin

One of the worst feeling in the world is not being happy with the person you are. The voice in our head that
says we are not good enough, we are not pretty enough, we are not smart enough, needs to be silenced. If
we could all see ourselves through the eyes of the people who love us; we would be amazed! I look at the
young women I know and can't believe how wonderful they are. They each have something about them that
is unique. Something that they can offer the world. But I hate to see them worry about their looks or their
size. Our bodies put us in the world, but it is our souls that make us who we are. 

 I Workout to feel comfortable in my own skin. By taking care of the gift I have been given, I feel
 stronger inside and out. Its not about my size. It is about they feeling of being able to carry my daughter
around for as long as she wants me too. It about having the energy to run after my son at the park. It is about
 the self confidence I gain by living a happy; healthy life <3

Sunday, October 7, 2012

What a Summer it has been...

 It has been quite a summer! There have been lots of good things. Time with friends and family. Trips to Lake Tahoe, afternoons at the park with my children, and lots of time at the pool. There has been some stress too. We moved from a fairly good size house to a 2 bedroom apartment. It took us a month to get out of the old house. We cleaned and painted. We tried to leave it in the best shape we could.
The best part was conquering some goals. Although I didn't lose any more weight or inches over the summer, I did maintain my weight (with a 5 pound gain, I usually put it all back on by now) for the first time in a very long time! This is a huge accomplishment on its own.

This picture is my 30 pound weight loss from last Christmas to June of this year. I am working toward having the same results by New Years day! 185 is my goal. It will put me at the weight I was before my son was born. Something I haven't reached yet! I changed my diet to include lean meats, lots of veggies and of course Shakeology every day. I committed to my workouts at least 5 days a week. The how to lose weight isn't hard, it's the applying it to your life!
I was so excited to have conquered these steps. I originally posted a photo of these steps in February. I took me a little over 4 months to actually get the nerve to climb all 820 steps :) I am really proud of this and didn't pause anywhere near as much as I thought I would. In February I would have gone slow, held the rail, and taken lots of breaks. Now that I have lost weight and have slowly but surely improved my health I was actually jogging up and down the stairs. I shocked myself! Sometimes you have to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. You never know what you are capable of until you try!!
Check out my video of conquering the stairs.

I was hoping to be a little farther along is my fitness. 
But I also know that I am only human and results don't happen overnight. 
So here is to a new season of conquering goals and trying new things.

 My new list of things to conquer:

20 pounds off by New Years Day.
I want to go snow shoeing for the first time.
I will do the Turkey Trot this year. 
Next March I will complete a 13.1 walk with my best friend.
I will start classes in the spring to work toward a certification in personal training.
I will get certified to teach Turbo Kick. 

What are you ready to Conquer?