Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Turning 30 turned out to be pretty great :)

 My Birthday started out getting together with my friend Natasha. We have been meaning to get together. So starting my birthday off getting to know her better and having a glorious breakfast at Daughters Cafe was just perfect. Thanks Natasha!

If you have never been to Daughters cafe you are missing out! It is a restaurant near the Truckee river in downtown Reno. Barb and Bianca have created an atmosphere that is like going to grandmas for breakfast. It is warm, cozy, personal, and the food is always fantastic!
During the summer it is wonderful. They open up their outdoor seating on the patio. You get to sit and just enjoy the weather and maybe enjoy some New Orleans style beignets. They are to die for :) Not your dine in a hurry type of place but I have never been disappointed in the food or the service in the four years I have been a regular guest. So if you ever need a lunch date, let me know, I would love to show you Daughters Cafe.

I have to admit I was shocked when I found this picture from one year ago. (the one on the left) The picture on the right is from Friday. A year ago I was 230 pounds. I am now 200. (199 is teasing me!) I have lost 30 pounds and it is showing. This time I am keeping it off. Having a support group and a plan are key. Comparing the pictures was a great boost to turning 30.

The day ended with LaDawn and I sharing dinner with a few friends at Sushi Club. My abs hurt so much the next day just from the amount of laughing we did. It was wonderful to have a small group of people come together and share a meal. It was the perfect ending to a great day!
 So if ANYONE else had given me notebooks and organizational products for my birthday I might have been insulted. But seeing how they came from Bill and Kim it meant the world to me. I was really excited! They know that One of the things that really bothers me about myself is my inability to stay organized. It is something that we have prayed about in our weekly small group. I definitely need help in the cleaning department. So because of this wonderful gift I have been inspired to clean and organize my home office. The fact that you can see the floor and the desk top is quite shocking. So thank you so much Bill and Kim! I already have put them to good use. now onto cleaning and purging the rest of the house!

Have a Happy Healthy Day!

Friday, March 23, 2012

30 is finally here!

 I am still not sure how this happened But 30 you are here. Not a lot of plans but still busy. Nothing too crazy planned but anything will be better than the epic fail of my 21st birthday. Worked late, ordered a beer, gambled a $20.00. Then went home and went to bed.

This is not my cake, but it should be!! (Hint Hint miss Ashley! hehe) I know I failed in the subtle department :) Wonder Woman and She-ra are my favorite female super heroes, I could not go wrong with either!

I hope you have a great weekend! If you don't see a post till Monday don't be surprised. I will be recouping from all the fun, friends and family!

Have a Happy Healthy Day!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yup, I am Awesome! As if you had any doubt :)

 Perfect I am not. I am moody, short tempered, self involved, impulsive, and impatient. I am also independent, generous, optimistic, enthusiastic, and courageous. I have also been told I am childish, and aggressive. I do not like to take orders from others, I can easily take offense, and I can be exciting, vibrant and talkative. I have been told I am a natural, confident leader.

It is amazing the different aspects that make up a human being. I don’t take a lot of stock in your day to day horoscopes but I AM an Aries girl to the bone. All the above personality traits describe me to a tee! Aries girl Loud and Proud! Warts and all! I am comfortable with the me I am and the me I am becoming. Always growing and changing. Hopefully improving.

 Tomorrow I turn 30!!! What! 30! How did that happen?  Last I looked I had barely graduated from high school. Now I have a husband, a 5 1/2 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I have a new career, friends I adore, and I can easily say I am happy. The 21 year old me was not. I had no Idea who I was or what my values were. I had few friends let alone the kind that had my or their best interests at heart. The early twenties are just a selfish time in anyone’s life. It is that time that you are still transitioning to an Adult. You graduate from high school and you are shoved out of the nest and you better start flyin! I definitely had a few stumbles along the way. I cannot believe I got married and had a child at 24! I was so unprepared. I love my children more than anything and I thank God every day that he made sure I could at least keep my children alive everyday and that he brought my wonderful husband into my life. There were some days I wasn’t sure they would live till their father came home! (There’s that short-tempered Aries poking her head out)WOW does time fly.

So I may put forward this image of having it all figured out, but I sure do not! Stay tuned. I hope you enjoy watching or being a part of my journey. I can’t wait to see the person I will be. I can’t wait to see you become the person you grow to be.

Have a Happy Healthy Day!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I am no expert on water so I did some googling and found some great info to share with you, enjoy :)
I hope you Have a Happy Healthy Day!!!
1. Water suppresses your appetite. People who drink more water feel hungry less often, as water makes a good appetite suppressant.

2. Water helps to reduce cholesterol. Water has a drastic impact on cholesterol and should help you reduce the levels in your body; it also can lead to weight loss.

3. Water helps to tone muscles. If your muscles are dehydrated, you won't see a lot of toning. Up your intake of water and you'll see a difference, fast!

4. Water is necessary for proper digestion. Your digestive system requires a certain amount of water a day to function, and if you fall short of this, it can make you feel bloated and tired. We recommend 9 glasses of water a day.

5. Water helps liver function. The liver metabolizes fat, which is very important when you are trying to lose weight. However, it requires a lot of water to do this successfully, and if your liver doesn't have enough, it will store the fat.

6. Water helps soothe digestive problems. If you are suffering from digestive troubles, try drinking a few glasses of water. This should help jump-start your system again, as a lack of water can cause the entire process to stop.

7. The right amount of water causes the body to stop retaining water. If you usually don't drink enough, your body will have retained water to make up for it. This water retention can add pounds to your weight, making you feel very bloated.

8. Water stops you confusing hunger and thirst. It can be very easy to think you are hungry when in fact you are just thirsty.

9. Water moisturizes the skin and makes it more radiant and supple. Supermodels are known to drink about 68 ounces of water per day to make sure their skin is hydrated and looks its best.

10. Water washes the toxins out of the body. Water washes out the toxins, making your body cleaner and healthier.

The human body, which is made up of between 55 and 75 percent water (lean people have more water in their bodies because muscle holds more water than fat), is in need of constant water replenishment.
Your lungs expel between two and four cups of water each day through normal breathing - even more on a cold day. If your feet sweat, there goes another cup of water. If you make half a dozen trips to the bathroom during the day, that's six cups of water. If you perspire, you expel about two cups of water (which doesn't include exercise-induced perspiration).
A person would have to lose 10 percent of her body weight in fluids to be considered dehydrated, but as little as two percent can affect athletic performance, cause tiredness and dull critical thinking abilities. Adequate water consumption can help lessen the chance of kidney stones, keep joints lubricated, prevent and lessen the severity of colds and flu and help prevent constipation.
Health benefits of water
Water is crucial to your health. It makes up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry on normal functions. Even mild dehydration - as little as a 1 percent to 2 percent loss of your body weight - can sap your energy and make you tired. Dehydration poses a particular health risk for the very young and the very old. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Little or no urination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
How much water do you need?
Every day you lose water through sweating - noticeable and unnoticeable - exhaling, urinating and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you need to replace this water by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. So how much water, or more precisely fluid, do you need?
This isn't an easy question to answer. A healthy adult's daily fluid intake can vary widely. Most people drink fluid to quench thirst, to supply perceived water needs and "out of habit." At least three approaches estimate total fluid (water) needs for healthy, sedentary adults living in a temperate climate.
  • Replacement approach. The average urine output for adults is 1.5 liters a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your fluid intake, so you if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups), along with your normal diet, you can replace the lost fluids.

  • Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Another approach to water intake is the "8 x 8 rule" - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," as all fluids count toward the daily total. Though this approach isn't supported by scientific evidence, many people use this basic rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink.

  • Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. These guidelines are based on national food surveys that assessed people's average fluid intakes.
You can choose any of these fluid intake approaches to gauge your fluid needs. But your current total fluid intake is probably OK if you drink enough water to quench your thirst, produce a colorless or slightly yellow normal amount of urine, and feel well.
Factors that influence water needs
You may need to modify total fluid intake from these recommended amounts depending on several factors, including how active you are, the climate, your health status, and if you're pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • Exercise. If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you'll need to drink extra water to compensate for that fluid loss. Drink 2 cups of water two hours before a long endurance event, for example, a marathon or half-marathon. One to 2 cups of water is also adequate for shorter bouts of exercise. During the activity, replenish fluids at regular intervals, and continue drinking water or other fluids after you're finished. During intense exercise involving significant sweating, for example, during a marathon, sodium is lost in sweat, and you may need a sports drink with sodium rather than just water.

  • Environment. You need to drink additional water in hot or humid weather to help lower your body temperature and to replace what you lose through sweating. You may also need extra water in cold weather if you sweat while wearing insulated clothing. Heated, indoor air can cause your skin to lose moisture, increasing your daily fluid requirements. And altitudes greater than 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) also can affect how much water your body needs. Higher altitudes may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which uses up more of your fluid reserves.

  • Illnesses or health conditions. Some signs and symptoms of illnesses, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, cause your body to lose extra fluids. To replace lost fluids, drink more water or oral rehydration solutions (Gatorade, Powerade, CeraLyte, others). When water loss can't be replaced orally, intravenous water and electrolytes may be necessary. Increased water intake is nearly always advised in people with urinary tract stones. On the other hand, you may need to limit the amount of water you drink if you have certain conditions that impair excretion of water - such as heart failure and some types of kidney, liver, adrenal and thyroid diseases.

  • Pregnant or breast-feeding. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding need additional water to stay hydrated and to replenish the fluids lost, especially when nursing. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 2.3 liters (nearly 10 cups) of fluids a day and women who breast-feed consume 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) of fluids a day.
Beyond the tap: Many sources of water
You don't need to sip from your water bottle all day to satisfy your fluid needs. Your diet, including the beverages you drink, can provide a large portion of what you need. In an average adult diet, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. The remaining 80 percent comes from beverages of all kinds.
Fruits and vegetables - besides being good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber - contain lots of water. For example, oranges are 87 percent water, and cucumbers are 95 percent water. Milk, juice and other beverages also have large amounts of water. Conversely, dried fruits, nuts, grain products and baked goods generally contain less water.
Make it count: Meet your water needs through food and beverages
Alcohol - such as beer and wine - and caffeinated beverages - such as coffee, tea or soda - can contribute to your total fluid intake. But your best beverage is still water. Water is calorie-free, inexpensive when drawn from a faucet or fountain, and readily available in and out of your home.
Thirst not always a reliable gauge
If you're healthy and not in any dehydrating conditions, you can generally use your thirst as an indicator of when to drink water. But thirst isn't always an adequate gauge of your body's need for fluid replenishment. The older you are, the less you're able to sense that you're thirsty. And during vigorous exercise, an important amount of your fluid reserves may be lost before you feel thirsty. So make sure that you're sufficiently hydrated before, during and after exercise.
Increased thirst and increased urination, both in volume and frequency, can be signs and symptoms of diabetes. With diabetes, excess blood sugar (glucose) in your body draws water from your tissues, making you feel dehydrated. To quench your thirst, you drink a lot of water and other beverages and that leads to more frequent urination. If you notice unexplained increases in your thirst and urination, see your doctor. It may not necessarily mean you have diabetes. It could be something else. And some people consume large amounts of water and experience increased urine output not associated with any underlying disease.
Diabetes - Staying safely hydrated
Make a conscious effort to keep yourself hydrated and make water your beverage of choice. Nearly every healthy adult can consider the following:
  • Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal.
  • Take water breaks instead of coffee or tea breaks.
  • Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings.
If you drink water from a bottle, thoroughly clean or replace the bottle often. Every time you drink, bacteria from your mouth contaminate water in the bottle. If you use a bottle repeatedly, make sure that the bottle is designed for reuse. To keep it clean, wash your container in hot, soapy water or run it through a dishwasher before refilling it.
Though uncommon, it's possible to drink too much water. Drinking excessive amounts can overwhelm your kidneys' ability to get rid of the water. This can lead to hyponatremia, a condition in which excess water intake dilutes the normal amount of sodium in the blood. People who are older, who have certain medical conditions such as congestive heart failure and cirrhosis, or who are taking certain diuretics are at higher risk of hyponatremia.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Courage, Integrity, and Perseverance.

 Courage: cour·age

noun \ˈkər-ij, ˈkə-rij\
: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty

 Integrity: in·teg·ri·ty
noun \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
: an unimpaired condition : soundness
: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness 

Perseverance: per·se·ver·ance
noun \ˌpər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s\
: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness

 Courage, Integrity, and Perseverance. These three words can have a powerful meaning when applied to your goals. What are your goals? My goals right now are to get under 195 pounds. I have six pounds to go! My long term goals are to be about 150 pounds and make a full time career out of my coaching business with Beachbody and help as many people as I possibly can to get fit and healthy. Yes, I am at the beginning of my journey. I can not wait to enjoy each day and each new learning experience along the way.

I have the COURAGE to power thru and complete these goals. Even when people doubt me, even when I injured my back this last week, (I am almost healed up, but those workouts are calling my name!!! I must wait till better!)  Even when I doubt myself, I will have the courage to complete and conquer my goals, because they are that important to my health and my future.

The INTEGRITY of the Beachbody team I am part of is astounding! I am working with a group of people whose first mission is to spread health and wellness as far as we can and the secondary goal of making a living is just icing on the cake.

I have the PERSEVERANCE to complete my goals. Despite the fact that this is the fourth time I have had to start over with my weight loss. It is not easy to conquer those old demons of eating to feel good and then lying around because I have given my body the wrong fuel.

What are the words you would apply to your goals? 

 Have a Happy Healthy Day!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Yup, thats right a Marathon! 26.2 miles

March 19th 2012. Today is the day.  Today is the day my good friend LaDawn and I begin to train to walk a Marathon. For those who know me well, I have talked about doing this for years. Now that my children are a little older I have more time to train. I have always admired people who can say "I have completed a Marathon" Walking or running this is no small feat. It will take a lot of time and dedication. I found a 24 week training guide for "advanced" walkers. I expanded it to 52 weeks. To give us time to work up to the advanced program. In 52 weeks LaDawn and I share a birthday. LaDawn’s is March 22nd and mine is March 23rd. The temperature on that day typically varies from 34°F to 56°F and is rarely below 25°F or above 69°F. So rain or shine we have plotted our own course. This won't be a race we are entering. This will be walk we created for the two of us. We will definitely welcome well wishers and friends to cheer us on that day. Maybe you will decide to join us on different legs of our journey through beautiful Washoe Valley. Maybe complete a mile or two with us. You can ever join us through out the year as we train. The more the merrier! This will be a day of empowerment and a major accomplishment for us both. We both want to focus on our health and have something amazing to strive for. I am so joyful that I get to share this journey with LaDawn. She is an amazing woman! Who I am extremely blessed to have in my life. So wish us luck! I will keep you posted on our training and progress throughout the year.


Beckey and LaDawn
Have a Happy Healthy day!

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