Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is a Beachbody Challenge group?

Challenge groups are a fun and easy way to get the support you need to accomplish those healthy living and fitness goals you want to accomplish. The Coaching you receive from me is totally free. I am there to encourage you and help you on your journey. I am there to answer any questions you may have. I may not always have the answer but I can surely track one down for you. I would not be as far on my path or accomplishing my goals without my challenge group. I have made lifelong friends and I am forever changed for the better.

Research has shown that the people most successful in obtaining their health and fitness goals do these three things:

1.Work out at home
2.Have an accountability group or partner
3.Eat breakfast

I can help you take care of #1 and #3.  
The MAIN purpose of the challenge group is to provide you with #2. 

My commitment to you:

1. I will make myself available to you.
  Virtually anytime you need a little help, a push or a question answered.
2.I will interact with you daily on Facebook to help keep you going on your journey, answering questions, giving encouragement, or giving you a kick in the pants if needed.
   If I don't see you check in on FB on any given day, I will text you to see what's up. :)
3.Once a week I will be in contact with you to see how you are doing and what issues you may be having.

There are PRIZES available!!!
I haven’t won yet, but I know a few people who have won the daily prize.

(Available to US legal residents only 18+, but the groups are open to US and Canadian residents 18+)
-  $500 daily giveaway just for logging your workout into the SuperGym!
-  $1,000 monthly transformation prizes will be awarded (according to your age and gender), so be sure to submit your results at the end of each month.
-  $5,000 quarterly - Someone will be chosen from the monthly submissions each quarter and awarded $5,000 (also according to your age and gender),
-  $100,000 if you are the Male or Female with the most remarkable transformation!!!

This is a short video with our CEO Carl Daikeler talking about the Challenge and the prizes that are available to participants (US legal residents only 18+) 

Here's how our Challenge group will work...

1) You are encouraged to choose a Beachbody program for your workout. If you need help determining which one is best suited for you, I would love to help you figure that out. If you already have one that has been gathering dust on your bookshelf, we can start with that one.

2) You are encouraged to order and drink your shakeology at least once a day. Trust me when I say this; it is an imperative part of this process. It will provide your body with the fuel that it will need to get through these workouts. You will just replace one meal a day (preferably breakfast, see #3 above) with a shake. It helped reduce my cravings and keeps me satisfied... no more 2:00 slump in the afternoon, and it comes with a bottom of the bag guarantee!

3) You are encouraged to be a Team Beachbody club member (this is FREE for the first month!) The people in our group will likely be starting at different places and/or require different nutritional guidelines. The Team Beachbody Club will provide each of you the opportunity to customize your own meal plan, print out a grocery list, and take it to the grocery store. The club nutrition guide and Shakeology will truly simplify your nutrition. The best way to do that is to create a Team Beachbody account with me as your coach

4) You are encouraged to participate daily in our private Facebook group. Sharing with the group how your workout was for the day, how your nutrition is, and just how you are feeling. I will be on the page as well to help encourage, motivate and answer questions you might have.

5) You must take your before photos, measurement and weight. You do not have to share them with the group. We will take these stats every 30/60/90 days; I will continue to support you throughout your fitness/weight loss journey. This is an integral part of the process. As you go along, sometimes you have to be reminded how far you've come to keep going forward. I have some amazing before and after photos. They encourage me daily to keep making healthy choices. I am never going back to my unhealthy 230 pound self.

Beachbody is offering "Challenge Packs" at a nicely discounted rate. They include the fitness program of your choice, Shakeology and a Club Membership!!! Plus, you will also get FREE SHIPPING, so you save anywhere from $26-$79 depending on the fitness program you choose. Let me know if you have questions.

I am excited about the goals that we can reach together. Being a Beachbody Coach to me = helping others live healthy, fulfilling lives. Just like my Coach has helped me. To me, that's the most INCREDIBLY fulfilling experience, and I hope you will allow me to come on this journey with you!

If you know someone that you’d like to include in the Challenge, please let me know. Let’s End the Trend together!
Have a Happy Healthy Day!


  1. You are AMAZING, BECKEY!!!

  2. Wow. What an amazing post!!! I love the way you explained everything and made it sound so personal...you truly care about people, you can tell. :)

  3. Thanks Christina :) I do truly want to help people! If it wasn't for Karla believing in me, and inviting me to join her challenge group, my life would be very different right now. She blessed me and I hope in return I can bless others on their own weight loss journey.
