Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why Is Drinking Shakeology® Daily Important?

Why Is Drinking Shakeology® Daily Important?

Drinking Shakeology is a lot like brushing your teeth and exercising—you've got to participate in these healthy habits every day to see their benefits. The more you do it, the more you can experience these advantages.
Here are 5 reasons you should drink Shakeology daily:
  1. Your cravings for unhealthy foods can eventually disappear—and be replaced by cravings for healthy choices. It's true!
  2. You can save time! Replace one meal a day with Shakeology and that's one less meal to plan. Whip up your shake and go. It's fast food that's great for you.
  3. You can save money! If you drink Shakeology instead of eating lunch or dinner, you'll spend just $4 on your meal.
  4. You can save money, the sequel! As Shakeology improves your digestion, boosts your energy, and keeps you lean, you're bound to have fewer medical bills.
  5. You can keep the weight off! Studies show that people who eat breakfast every day are less likely to regain the weight. Furthermore, a protein-rich breakfast helps you feel full and reduces the tendency to snack throughout the day.

So start every day the right way by whipping up Shakeology! Here are 3 unique and delicious recipes to keep things exciting.
Chocolate "Mocha-CrËme Madness" Recipe:
Chocolate Shakeology1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
½ cup almond milk
½ cup coffee
¼ tsp. cinnamon
2 drops vanilla extract
Greenberry "Piña Banana" Recipe:
Greenberry Shakeology1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
½ banana
½ cup pineapple juice
½ cup coconut water
Tropical Strawberry "Berry Blast" Recipe:
Tropical Shakeology1 scoop Tropical Strawberry Shakeology
½ banana
1 cup berry medley
1 cup rice milk

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

50 reasons why being fit is Amazing!

  1. because it gives you back your childhood freedom of being able to run, jump, and PLAY
  2. because it gives you confidence
  3. because confidence is sexy
  4. because exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy
  5. because being fit tells the world that you care about yourself
  6. because it feels awesome to know you look good in clothes
  7. because it feels even more awesome to know you look good naked
  8. because it feels damn good to put your mind to something and achieve it
  9. because knowing that your body can handle just about anything you throw at it is powerful
  10. because you will inspire others
  11. to do what others think you can’t
  12. to do what YOU think you can’t
  13. to feel comfortable in your own skin
  14. because exercise helps control stress
  15. because healthy is the new skinny
  16. because good nutrition will stack the odds in your favor
  17. because doing something for your health right now feels better than “someday I will”
  18. because you’re worth it just as much as anyone else is
  19. because putting the right foods into your body makes you feel amazing
  20. because you will have more energy than you ever thought you could
  21. to sleep soundly at night
  22. to wake up every day ready to face the world head on
  23. because becoming fit will give you what it takes to tackle any challenge
  24. because your children look up to you and will model what they see
  25. because fitness and good nutrition is the ultimate anti-aging treatment
  26. because you will be able to keep up with your kids and grandkids
  27. because it feels amazing to climb a flight of stairs and barely be out of breath
  28. because exercising teaches you to live in the moment
  29. because healthy food fights cancer cells from ever forming
  30. because your chances for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer will plummet
  31. because it feels so good not to have “get in shape” on your New Year’s resolution list every. single. year.
  32. to feel proud at a doctor’s check-up instead of fearful
  33. because healthy food makes you feel energize and satisfied instead of run-down and stuffed
  34. because sex is more fun when you’re fit
  35. because busting through your own walls and limits feels so good
  36. because it makes you feel like a badass.
  37. to live a long and fulfilled life
  38. to open up a whole new world of experiences
  39. because it feels powerful to know that you are in control of your body
  40. because you are not sentenced to poor health just because of your genetics
  41. to know what the best version of you looks and feels like
  42. because having muscles makes you feel strong
  43. because you might find a physical activity that brings you great joy
  44. because it will teach you to make time for yourself
  45. because excuses are just fear
  46. because real courage is being afraid of something and doing it anyways
  47. to know what it feels like to set your mind to something and achieve it
  48. because good nutrition and exercise are natural anti-depressants
  49. because it makes you stronger on the inside, too
  50. because good health is FREEDOM

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How Can Shakeology Improve Your Digestion?

How Can Shakeology Improve Your Digestion?

Many people suffer from digestive symptoms and problems. Some of the main complaints that people have when it comes to digestive problems are bloating, gas, stomach pains, constipation, etc. For each of these symptoms and conditions there is usually an underlying cause as to why they are happening.
Changing your diet to one that's filled with healthy ingredients rich in prebiotics and probiotics, as well as staying active, can often times be the solution to digestive imbalance. Many of my customers have told me that once they started drinking Shakeology and started getting active, their digestion problems have gotten better or disappeared all together.

"Ever since I started drinking Shakeology, I no longer binge on the bad stuff. Now my skins glows and my digestion is where it should be."– Lizabeth B.

"Shakeology keeps the "flow" going. I now go more often and it is a lot easier. I don't have the issues with constipation that I use to have." - Edward G.

"Shakeology has improved my social life. I now can go out with my friends and I don't have to worry about my issues with irritable bowel syndrome. I am so thankful for Shakeology! Brooklynn W.

Shakeology contains many ingredients that are beneficial to the digestive system such as prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes. Probiotics are strains of live, "friendly" bacteria that help the digestive process. Prebiotics are natural components of certain plants. They help support the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive tract and they may also help with the absorption of minerals such as calcium. Digestive enzymes, from plant sources such as pineapples and papayas, help your body break down food into its individual components, making the nutrients easier to absorb. Cooking can destroy food's natural digestive enzymes, so there's a good chance that you don't get enough of them in your diet.

Drinking a glass of Shakeology daily can help move things along, so to speak, because of the prebiotics, probiotics, whole food ingredients, fiber, and digestive enzymes. If you are seeking good health, the place to start is in your digestive tract. Healthy digestion is key to detoxify your body each day and helps prevent unhealthy diseases.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Does a Beachbody Coach do?

So, you've probably heard the catch phrase, "Get fit, Get paid" or something along those lines, and you're interested in becoming a Beachbody Coach, but you're not sure what that means exactly. Let me explain how I see my role as a Beachbody Coach as simply as I possibly can:

1) Be a Product of the Product:  This means I live the life that I am encouraging others to live.  It means that I stand behind my actions - I use the fitness programs, I drink shakeology, I eat healthy, I rely on my team for support and motivation and do the same for others during their journey, I do daily personal development, and I run my business like a business.  Not only does this give me first-hand knowledge about the Beachbody products and opportunity, but I have developed such a strong passion in regards to the results I have seen in myself and in my teammates that I love talking about Beachbody and the opportunity it presents to others - when you commit, you will see your life transform for the better! 

2) Lend Support to Others:  When you become a Coach for more than just receiving the awesome 25% discount, part of your responsibility is to support others by helping others reach their fitness goals through the use of Beachbody products.  How is this done?  Well, I have a number of ways that I teach my coaches on my team to really stir up motivation in their team's customer and coach's lives to enable them to, first, open the package and push play for the first time, and second, to finish the program so they see the results that they want.  They are actions that do not take a lot of time out of your day, but can make a huge difference in the lives of others!  This is especially important when you hit the Emerald Coaching level because then Beachbody starts entrusting you with the customers that buy products through the infomercials and online.  We do not want people to come in as customers and feel alone - our job is to welcome them into our family and show them that we are here for them if they need us.
 3) Share the Beachbody Opportunity with Friends, Family, and Everyone Else:  The key word there is SHARE, not sell.  I am not a salesperson.  I have never considered myself a salesperson, nor do I think selling at all costs is something I would be good at.  What makes this different?  The Beachbody products and the Business of Coaching works; it not only works, but it transforms lives!  It took me some time to see that myself and to build my own story with the products and the company, but once I saw how great an effect it had on my life and the lives of my teammates, I got so excited that I feel as though I have to share this opportunity with those around me.  When people work the business like they are supposed to (and I provide my coaches with all the tools they need to know to be successful), they find a passion in the lifestyle we promote and sharing this opportunity is extremely easy.  I'm not pushing someone to buy something they are not ready for because it does take the desire to change to see success with this.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I WORKOUT: Because the monkey bars are not just for kids

I love working out! I love it even more when my kids workout too :) How do you inspire your family to be healthy? The easiest way is to workout with them and disguise it as play. The easiest way is to go to the park and play with them! Before you know it you both have had a great workout and the kids didn't even know it.

 10 reasons kids should Exercise:
  1. Kids who exercise are more likely to keep exercising as an adult.
  2. Exercise helps kids achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
  3. Regular physical activity helps build and maintain strong, healthy muscles, bones and joints.
  4. Exercise aids in the development of important interpersonal skills—this is especially true for participation in team sports.
  5. Exercise improves the quantity and quality of sleep.
  6. Research shows that exercise promotes improved school attendance and enhances academic performance.
  7. Kids who exercise have greater self-esteem and better self-images.
  8. Participating in regular physical activity prevents or delays the development of many chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension) and promotes health.
  9. Children who are active report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and a better overall mood.
  10. Exercise helps improve motor coordination and enhances the development of various motor performance skills.