Friday, March 23, 2012

30 is finally here!

 I am still not sure how this happened But 30 you are here. Not a lot of plans but still busy. Nothing too crazy planned but anything will be better than the epic fail of my 21st birthday. Worked late, ordered a beer, gambled a $20.00. Then went home and went to bed.

This is not my cake, but it should be!! (Hint Hint miss Ashley! hehe) I know I failed in the subtle department :) Wonder Woman and She-ra are my favorite female super heroes, I could not go wrong with either!

I hope you have a great weekend! If you don't see a post till Monday don't be surprised. I will be recouping from all the fun, friends and family!

Have a Happy Healthy Day!!


  1. Hi friend, yes I agree, 30 years go by in the blink of an eye! But I have to say (being on the othe side of 50) that growing older has it's advantages. I pray that your 30's are a time of joy and peace and maturity and that you continue to become more beautiful every day (just like you've done every day since I met you)! Massive love, Kim

    1. Thank you Kim :) I love you too. Dave and I are so blessed to have You and your family as a part of our "family" I know it is Bills and your influence that is helping us grow as people and Christians. I can't wait to see what my 30rds have in store for me :)
