Thursday, February 16, 2012

This is me. Warts and all!

Welcome to my Blog, Style and Strength.

I like many others have gone up and down with my weight for years. I want to break that cycle. When people look at me I want them to think "WOW, she is an athlete"

I have a long way to go, but I know I can do it. It’s different this time. I have a wonderful support system; I have a lot more knowledge, and a determination to succeed.

My Highest weight was 230pds. Currently I am down 24pds! 206lbs (02/15/12)
       Every ten pounds I lose I will post and updated photo :) 
I only have 6 more pounds to go till the next one.

I want to help you achieve your personal fitness goals. I have started a business with Beachbody. Have you heard of Tony Horton or P90X? It is totally awesome and life changing.  I may not have all the answers, but I bet I could find them for you. I will be the biggest cheerleader you could ever ask for. With a little help, and a lot of encouragement we can all achieve our dreams!

I am a Wife, Mother of two, online coach, artist, volunteer, and crafter, a little bit crazy and a whole lot of fun!
I want to be healthy and active. I want to break the obesity cycle in my family. I want to be an example to the people around me. Oh and there is that pair of "skinny jeans" hiding in my closet just waiting for me to air them out again :)


My Inspirations
My Children
My personal health
My Coach Karla Reese
and Tony Horton :)



  1. You are an inspiration to everyone!!

  2. Awwww, Thank you karla :) YOU are my inspiration and I wanna be Just like you when I grow up!!!!
