Friday, February 24, 2012


 How often do you hear that voice?

I can't do that it is impossible. 
Why start? I am going to fail anyway?
Nobody else believes in me. Why should I?

I think the worst one is the last one. The hardest part of making a significant change in your life is the doubters around you. People put others down for lots of reasons.

 They are unhappy. 
Seeing you make positive changes in your life shines a light on the bad choices they are making. 
Choices they are not ready to change yet.

Being put down is all they know. It is what they have been taught.
When all you have been told is you’re not good enough, 
it is hard to believe that other people are. Let alone yourself.

Putting you down makes them feel better.
You are this bubbly, super excited, tornado of happiness about your decisions to change your life.
They may not be ready to make the same steps, so they have to knock you down a peg or two.

They may be doing these things unintentionally. I know I am guilty of the things above. I have had years of self doubt. I have had important people in my life not believe in me. So in turn I have scoffed at people when they were trying to make changes. It is time to make a change in how we relate to others.

The biggest change for me was when I joined our Church. I am now surrounded with so many people that just want to love and support each other. I don't think I have ever told so many people "I love you." The Pastor continually talks about Gods Love for us and our relationships with each other. Lessons I have desperately needed to hear. Many Sundays there were lessons I did not want to hear, but needed to. I am able to make significant changes in how I relate to other people. I work on it daily. It is a process.
 We are only human right?

The second thing that has changed my life is becoming a part of Beachbody, first as a member and now as a Coach. I am now surrounded by positive people who just want to help and encourage each other. Other people who are on the path to lose weight, get fit, and eat healthy. Or they have already accomplished those goals and just want to see you succeed. If you want to make significant changes in your life you have to surround yourself with like minded people. We all need support. It is incredibly hard to make life changes without it. It can be done, but it is way more fun with friends :)

Have a Happy Healthy day!

Watermelon is my FAVORITE fruit. I can not wait till summer and it is back in season.

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